Financial Therapy Assessment Financial Therapy Preview Quiz This is a preview of a financial therapy assessment that identifies your money beliefs and attitudes. The results will be emailed to you, and your email address and responses will remain confidential. This method was developed by Bradley T. Klontz, Psy.D., CFP®Your NameYour Email(Required) More money will make you happier.(Required) Strongly Disagree Disagree Disagree a Little Agree a Little Agree Strongly Agree Money should be saved, not spent.(Required) Strongly Disagree Disagree Disagree a Little Agree a Little Agree Strongly Agree If something is not considered the “best” it is not worth buying.(Required) Strongly Disagree Disagree Disagree a Little Agree a Little Agree Strongly Agree Most rich people do not deserve their money.(Required) Strongly Disagree Disagree Disagree a Little Agree a Little Agree Strongly Agree If someone were to ask me how much I earn, I would probably tell them I earn less than I actually do.(Required) Strongly Disagree Disagree Disagree a Little Agree a Little Agree Strongly Agree It is hard to be rich and be a good person.(Required) Strongly Disagree Disagree Disagree a Little Agree a Little Agree Strongly Agree Money buys freedom.(Required) Strongly Disagree Disagree Disagree a Little Agree a Little Agree Strongly Agree It is ok to keep secrets from your partner around money.(Required) Strongly Disagree Disagree Disagree a Little Agree a Little Agree Strongly Agree